Sunday, April 3, 2016

New Developments.

            Hey guys.  David here giving a quick little update about what's been going on in my life.  The biggest piece of news is that I've officially been hired for a Security position at Six Flags.  I just found out about it last Monday, filled out the paperwork on Tuesday, attended basic employee training and got my uniform yesterday, and sometime today I'm going to pick up my ID badge.

            After that I have department training, but I don't know when it's happening yet.  The reason for this is because I need my ID in order to get on to the website where I get my schedule and I wasn't able to get my ID yesterday because the printer was broken from about 150 employees who were going in to get theirs.

            Anyways, I really appreciate those of you who've kept me in your prayers as I've been looking for a job for almost a year and a half before this so thanks for that.  For those of you who read my reviews, I'm sorry that I didn't have a Gotham review last week, but when you read the one for this week you'll understand why.

            In other news, I found out that the hotel I'm staying at for the Midwest Media Expo had lowered the rates on some of their rooms so I managed to hop on that and ended up saving $50 in the process.  Even though I'm still disappointed that my friend won't be there, I'm trying hard to make the best of the situation.

            Part of that is that I'm really hoping that Doug Walker AKA The Nostalgia Critic will be at the expo again this year and that he'll be doing his Movies Everyone Disagrees With You On panel because I've got 2 that I really want to get off of my chest (Both of the #1 spots for my Movies I Dislike/Hate, But Everyone Else Loves and Movies I Like, But Everyone Else Hates lists for those of you wondering).  He was at the expo last year, but I unfortunately wasn't able to attend as I wasn't in the best financial situation.  Hopefully, he'll be there again.  That would make my entire month.

            Finally, this week starts a new schedule at the day program I'm currently attending.  I don't actually find out which groups I have until I go in on Tuesday, but I'm feeling good about the choices I made.  Now that I'm hired at Six Flags, I'm most likely going to stop going to the day program altogether come late May/early June when the park officially opens for the Summer.  It'll be sad to leave naturally, but the whole point of the program was to help me get a job which I now have so it's pretty much "Mission Accomplished" in that sense.

            Anyhoo, that's pretty much it for me and I'll see you guys on the next post.  Later.

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