Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Random wonderings.

            It's been about a month now since the show Gravity Falls officially ended, but something that I was slightly curious about is how many people ship Dipper with Pacifica?  Personally, I've always shipped him with Wendy (for obvious reasons), but this thought came to me after watching the episode Northwest Mansion Noir.  It really got me curious as to if anyone had paired them together after that episode.  Currently I haven't found anyone yet who has.

            While we're on the subject of TV Shows, last week I was watching the first (and only) 2 episodes of this show on ABC Of Kings and Prophets, a show that was supposed to center around King Saul's reign and eventual downfall in place of God's newly chosen king, David.  The good things about it are very few.  I really enjoyed the moments that stuck to Biblical accuracy (few though they were) and even the relationship that was portrayed between Saul and David.

            Unfortunately, the show itself came off very much like a Game Of Thrones wannabe (even the opening theme and visuals I felt were too similar to Game Of Thrones' opening), the story played out like a soap opera, and what really annoyed me was the fact that way too much of the dialogue seemed to be severely modernized.

            That last part really stuck in my mind as I was watching an episode of Sleepy Hollow last week when it got to the point of a flashback to the late 1700s.  In that scene, I took particular notice of the dialogue that was used by the characters back then and it all fit the time period that it was set in.  I had no problem with believing that they were in that set time period.

            So if a show like Sleepy Hollow has the sense to make 1700s dialogue sound right for the time, why couldn't this show that's set thousands of years ago do the same?  What's their excuse?  Fortunately, I'm not the only one who found problems with Of Kings and Prophets because the show was canned after only 2 episodes (pulling a Lone Star if you will for anyone who even remembers that show).

            Aside from that, I had my second interview at Six Flags for the security position this past Monday where they said that I should hear back from them within a week.  Also, that same day, I found out that my friend and her group most likely won't be at the Midwest Media Expo this year as they weren't invited by them even though I could've sworn that one of the members of the group said they were going to be there a few months ago.

            The only way that they might be there is if there's a large outpouring of requests for them to be there on the website for the expo and even then it's not necessarily guaranteed with less than a month away.  This is really hard for me as it's been almost 2 years since I last saw her and now it'll most likely be even longer before I see her again.  I also have no real way of getting my care package that I'd put together over the past several months to her

            Anyways, that's pretty much it for me.  Just letting out my thoughts.  Hope y'all are doing O.K. and I'll see you guys this weekend with my review.  Later.

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